
“When you’re in a dark place, you sometimes tend to think you’ve been buried. Perhaps you’ve been planted. Bloom.”
By starting this blog [PUBLICLY scared me but I now hope to be there for someone who can relate or knows of someone who relates]. I quite often have a strong urge to want to pour out my heart onto a piece of paper but find myself at a loss of words, unable to write about all the feelings I have inside. I’ve always had strong emotions, feeling like no one understood, never understanding where all these emotions and feelings came from. These sort of feelings had me going under and down into a deep dark depression and sometimes at a peak so high I felt invincible. The hole I would get into was dark, feeling seemingly impossible to climb up and out of. The light at the top was no where to be seen.
If I can make a difference or be of any help to even if just one person, by sharing my experiences and what I’ve learned to know, than I would re-experience it all over and over again if it meant helping someone through their what seems never ending storm. I had someone come into my life and because of that person, I found myself opening up in ways that helped me to understand it’s okay to not be okay, as long as you keep fighting and hold on to the little, almost to nothing, hope. There is a light at the top of the deep, dark hole. When you get out of the hole, there will be mountains to climb. And when you get to the top of the mountain, when you look down and see what you’ve just climbed, you will be able to feel proud of yourself to be able to say, “I did it!”. Not by my own strength have I made it to where I am today, but by choosing to reach out and take ahold of Jesus’ hand is where my strength comes from. Had I kept leaning on my own strength, I would’ve never succeeded on getting out of the dark hole. Sure, sometimes I trip and fall into the hole but I’m learning how to not stay there and drown like it’s sinking sand. Now, I reach out to Jesus and lay it all in his hands --and some days that is very, very hard.
You, reading this that struggles with depression, anxiety or anything in between, let someone in and help you crawl out of the hole. You are loved even when you've convinced yourself that no one does; that no one cares. There's always someone. 


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