

Powerlessness. My life had become unmanageable. I was powerless over alcohol the first time I ever had it. I was such a slob. Yet I continued to ingest it for a decade, not coming to realize I was powerless over it even after I was freshly sober. I admitted I was powerless over it but I didn't fully grasp it for a couple months of being sober. I fully believe and know now that I am powerless over alcohol. I cannot and I do not have to have alcohol. I am free without it! Like alcohol, I am also powerless over other things in life. Like people. I am powerless over what they do to me. I. cannot control what someone does to me or says to me. I do have power of how I respond. This is freedom. The freedom to choose how to handle a situation. Just like I had the freedom to choose whether I keep on down the road of killing myself or the possibility of someone else by drinking. I struggled to let go of drinking. I've struggled to respond well to being hurt by someone. "Evening, mor

8 months and 23 day's

I post about my sobriety not for attention or self-praise but for awareness of the reality of it and hopefully to be of help to anyone wanting to get help but may be afraid to. I want to show the benefits and freedom from choosing to stay sober. There are times when it can get hard, that's the reality and sickness of it, but I'm thankful to God I have stayed sober. Today makes 8 months and 23 day's alcohol free for me and it is only by the grace of God. It is only by the grace of God do I experience freedom, joy, contentment, and peace. I have a new perspective on life and it is one I have to consciously and intentionally choose if I want to continue to have freedom, joy, contentment, and peace. I am so thankful for God's blessings he's graciously giving me each day. No matter what happens in life, because trials inevitably happen, there is always something to be grateful for. Get up each morning and decide what you are thankful for and watch your daily perspective

60 day's

I... Was on my hands and knees crying out to God Accepted the fact that I needed help Reached out for help Got myself a sponsor Quit being in denial about my addiction  Attend AA meeting's Work the steps Praise God Struggle some day's Get up and try again Cry some other day's Get up and try again❤ And in 60 day's... I haven't picked up the bottle. "God,  Grant me the serenity to accept the thing's I cannot change, the courage to change the thing's I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

My deceiving best friend

 Oh, alcohol, my dear friend A friend I had to let go of My best friend of all friends Should have been long ago You were always there When I needed an escape You removed all my fears But left me with many, many tears You were "cunning, baffling and powerful"! You sucked me in Sucked me all dry You're the best friend I didn't let get away Now I'm glad you're gone Gone out of my life The past is where You will stay My present has No room for you Goodbye my dear friend I'll tell all the others About your cunning, baffling, and powerfulness. How you deceive, tell lies You're not a best friend You were an experience Waiting to take me to hell.  

The truth is...

The truth is I'm a "loner" because I put myself through stuff I don't want to go through again.  The truth is I'm super insecure and I found someone who loves me for who I am and I've found comfort in him.  The truth is I'm super insecure because I used to put my self worth and value in people and things that didn't care about me and my wellbeing.  The truth is You wouldn't believe me if I told you things about me that I've done or who I "used to be". The truth is God is real and he proves that to me repeatedly and I know I'm doing nothing to prove His realness and I have extreme conviction of this. The truth is This blog is the only thing thats made me feel like I'm potentially doing anything for anybody or somebody.  The truth is I'm not what I seem. And I'm sorry for that. Because all I've done for the last 29 years of my life is struggle, just like you. But all I've done is put on a front like I haven't

The truth is...

The truth is... it's not  easy being a christian. The last four year's since being back home (how has it been four years already?) It hasn't been smooth sailing and easy. I've done my best to be encouraging on here but I also don't want to forget that I promised to be real and raw. And the truth is... it's been hard. Life is hard. Being a christian is hard. Satan has seen me seek the Lord and he does not like it. His presence is so evident in the world right now. I'm not the only one fighting with the devil. And praise God if you are fighting the devil because that mean's you are not on his side!  In all honesty, this road I'm on that's one of seeking God and living for Him, has been one bumpy road. I brought home with me a lot of baggage. I've cleaned a few suitcases out but there seems to always be another one to unpack and clean out. It wasn't like a switch just flipped and I was all better just by coming back home away from all the me

EDM life

I fell in love with EDM (electronic dance music) when I was introduced to it in Colorado in 2014 at a red rocks music show. I had never felt so much excitement before, something that I knew I had been craving but didn't know what I was craving until that moment I was there at that music show. I had zero idea what EDM music was but at that show, I was instantly hooked. From there on out, I was sure to be at every show I could be at. EDM life is something you simply cannot explain but wish for everyone to experience at some point in their life. I was a person who grew up not feeling apart of a group in junior high and high school as well as college. So when I found EDM, I was hooked. It was a place where I felt accepted, loved and free to be who I wanted. I could dress how I wanted, dance how I wanted and meet a lot of like-minded humans. I really had never smiled so much until attending these shows. Along with these shows, comes temptation's. I didn't discover these temptat