EDM life

I fell in love with EDM (electronic dance music) when I was introduced to it in Colorado in 2014 at a red rocks music show. I had never felt so much excitement before, something that I knew I had been craving but didn't know what I was craving until that moment I was there at that music show. I had zero idea what EDM music was but at that show, I was instantly hooked. From there on out, I was sure to be at every show I could be at. EDM life is something you simply cannot explain but wish for everyone to experience at some point in their life. I was a person who grew up not feeling apart of a group in junior high and high school as well as college. So when I found EDM, I was hooked. It was a place where I felt accepted, loved and free to be who I wanted. I could dress how I wanted, dance how I wanted and meet a lot of like-minded humans. I really had never smiled so much until attending these shows. Along with these shows, comes temptation's. I didn't discover these temptation's for a while but once they came, they didn't go away. I'm sad to say those temptation's got the better of me and I had to take a break from the thing that made me "most happiest". EDM shows showed me that life is short and meant to be loving eachother and not hurting eachother. It showed me that none of us are the same but we're not so different. It showed me how much love there truly can be if we'd just let it. It showed me that being kind isn't so hard and no matter how you are, you are loved. Every person I met was different but I found beauty in every different, unique way. It was a place we walked around judgement free, loving each other, hugging, smiling and asking how are you's? 

And now? Now I look back at those feelings I felt and realize that God can provide that security and he can and would love to provide pure security. I was searching and searching for “happiness” but always fell slightly short of it because I was looking in the wrong places. 
I don’t regret going to EDM shows and festivals. They did teach me some things as I’ve described above. I wouldn’t go back and change the experiences. I do cherish certain memories but I am also thankful about where I am today. Most importantly, it taught me to love everybody (yes, some are harder than others)  and every person has beauty in them. 


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