Suicide Prevention

June 24, 2018

“I want help. I don’t know where to go for it. You can look on the internet for ‘counseling’ and the endless 
amount of results is a little overwhelming. How the crap do I just pick one?
When will I make change? What’s the first step I need to make?
I’m tired of being sad…”

Looking back now, I can remember what felt like never ending self agony. I knew I needed help. I knew I
 needed to make a change. I didn’t know how to find the strength…

Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States. In 2017 suicide was the 10th causing lead of
 death [!] That’s way too high of a number. And I’m sure
 the number today hasn’t gotten any smaller. It’s a real problem. We need not to be scared to a) talk
about it b) reach out for help c) be someone that someone can reach out to.
Chances are, the person that is feeling suicidal doesn’t want to reach out for help. The shame and
guilt that is being carried is too much to want to be a burden in others' lives. Some warning signs that 
someone may be depressed could be: changes in behavior such as talking less/not going out with
 friends as much, dramatic change in weight, skipping school/work, words like “i’m just tired-i’m fine”, 
risky behavior- such as drinking more, sleeping less or more, sexual behavior-. Or maybe some have 
increase in energy, feeling on top of the world/invincible, starting new goals but not being able to finish 
the tasks, etc. Then following a crash and burn where the isolation of oneself can begin. 

Is suicide preventable?
There are a number of things we can do to be of help!!! My depression has lessened SO MUCH 
because of little changes I’ve made day to day. Before, I was trying to make HUGE changes and that 
STRESSED me out! AND I was trying to do it alone! I wasn’t reaching out to people like I should have 
been. I didn’t want to bother people with my [what felt like complaining] but honestly you guys, 
depression isn’t just complaining or whining or whatever you want to call it. It’s intense, negative 
emotions/disturbances inside that oneself is NOT ENJOYING EITHER! [Genetics, chemical imbalance, 
traumatic event, and others.] 
What I’ve found to be helpful for me that I would love to share to others that may help you as well. 
It doesn’t hurt to try.
1) Growing in my relationship with the Lord. Seeking his love and daily prayer has been tremendous
--his love is enough, human love and relationships cannot take the place of his never ending, 
unconditional love-- he loves us NO MATTER what, NO MATTER what...
2) Support. However you will allow that: family, close friends, church
For me, now that people know the real truth about me and how bad I was struggling, I feel I’m not hiding 
anymore. I have accountability.
3) Warning Signs. Prevent it from getting worse by knowing the warning signs we talked about above ^^ and reaching 
out for help sooner rather than later. Where does one seek help? Primary care doctor, pastor at a 
church, close friend, family member, teacher.
4) Self care <3 <3 <3 Stay active in what you enjoy. Try something new. Or maybe rekindle an old 
hobby. For me, exercising is key. Especially when I don’t want to. That’s when I really have to. I never
regret it afterwards. Never. I’ve also picked up crafting. Also doing this blog. Being open and honest has 
helped me heal and I know some may think ‘why is she doing this?’ and that’s okay. Whatever helps a 
person heal and grow.
5) Antidepressants. I tried everything not to be on antidepressants. The side effects weren’t worth it. I 
tried multiple antidepressants and I wasn’t pleased with any. I didn’t want to rely on pills. I really had no 
choice after hitting rock bottom and realizing I needed to give it my full effort and find something that will 
work for me. And I have. It’s okay to be on antidepressants whether its temporary or the rest of your life. 
If it helps, than it’s worth it.

 " For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 


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