It's been a bad day

Today has been a really bad day. I am an emotional person and the longer I'm sober the more aware I am of my emotions and how many of them I have. While I was on my walk today, I was praising God because I thought of the big book and how it says something along the lines of, "even on the worst day's now sober, I wouldn't go back to the best day's of my drinking day's". I felt that today. Even though I'm having a really bad emotional day, I was thanking God for being sober and I wouldn't trade it. Even though my head is buzzing with noise, my heart heavy with sadness, my body restless and angst, my soul longing for warmth (all circumstantial reasonings; not an absence of Jesus; I'm still human), I am so thankful I don't desire to drink. It's surreal that this is my reality. That I don't have to drink away my uncomfortable feeling's anymore. As much as my ego would like to take credit for it and say, "yay! I'M doing sooo...