
Showing posts from 2022

EDM life

I fell in love with EDM (electronic dance music) when I was introduced to it in Colorado in 2014 at a red rocks music show. I had never felt so much excitement before, something that I knew I had been craving but didn't know what I was craving until that moment I was there at that music show. I had zero idea what EDM music was but at that show, I was instantly hooked. From there on out, I was sure to be at every show I could be at. EDM life is something you simply cannot explain but wish for everyone to experience at some point in their life. I was a person who grew up not feeling apart of a group in junior high and high school as well as college. So when I found EDM, I was hooked. It was a place where I felt accepted, loved and free to be who I wanted. I could dress how I wanted, dance how I wanted and meet a lot of like-minded humans. I really had never smiled so much until attending these shows. Along with these shows, comes temptation's. I didn't discover these temptat...